Episode 1 - Ben Geen

The Jury Room tv true crime documentary with CBS reality, podcast

“Ben Geen is walking into work and is called by one of his supervisors to one side…”. A police investigation has been started into the deaths and respiratory arrests of 18 patients in his care. When his supervisor speaks to him, he’s found with a syringe in his pocket containing a muscle relaxant called vecuronium bromide. He’s arrested and eventually convicted, but many people still argue that he’s innocent. They suggest that due to the, at the time, recent case of Harold Shipman, there was a hysteria around these kinds of deaths. Join us as we work through the case with expert contributions from defence lawyer Matt Stanbury and former Met Police Senior Detective Colin Sutton. This time, you’re in the jury - do you think Ben Geen is guilty?

Episode 2 - Susan May
Episode 3 - Andrew Feather
Episode 4 - Omar Benguit
Episode 5 - Jack Whomes


Episode 2 - Susan May


The Anastasi Mystery - Part 2